Dry Tattooing scars and stretch marks micro skin needling training course
Saline Tattoo Removal Training with Lisa Henning using Botched Ink®

Dry Tattooing & Skin Needling Masterclass. Scar & Stretch Mark Treatments

Do you use Skin Needling on the Body?

Prerequisite: Existing skin needling certification

Learn how to achieve the best results working on scars and stretch marks

This 3-hour online Masterclass is designed for technicians already certified in skin needling treatments using any needling device, including those using camouflage pigments

In this Masterclass, I'll share advanced knowledge from my experience working on 100s of clients and their scars and stretch marks, using a tattoo machine, also derma roller and derma pen

👋 New to this treatment? In-person training and model class

Join me Live via Zoom, or watch the replay!

  • Train with me, Lisa Henning the owner of Botched Ink
  • Think I know about saline, I knew damaged skin first!
  • I've carried out 1000s of dry tattooing treatments

Learn my best tips for results, and hear the truth about this popular treatment

Regular price£345 GBP
  • Available

Re-Introducing my First Love

Dry Tattooing was my first baby, and the first training course I wrote back in 2015. I trained students from around the world, but as several soon became confident trainers themselves, I decided to have another baby, who grew in to Botched Ink!

It's because of my knowledge working on damaged skin, scars and stretch marks, that I knew how to develop Botched Ink to be a gentle and effective removal serum

With a surge of the inkless method and camouflage tattooing, timing feels right to share again the masterclass knowledge I gained working on 100s of clients, and their scars and stretch marks

Join me LIVE via Zoom, or Watch the Replay

Group online training is via Zoom. Many skin needling courses teach you how to put a needle in the skin. During this class I'll be sharing how to make this treatment work! Also when results can be easy or more difficult. Ask me any questions! 

1st July, check the time in your zone! 7pm UK, 11am PT, 12pm MT, 1pm CT, 2pm ET, 4am (2nd) AET

1-2-1 live online training also available

Private 1-2-1 live online training, via Zoom, includes a previous 20 minute call so Lisa can customise training for a more personalised learning experience. In the 1-2-1 class, we can agree dates and times

What's Included

  • 3 hour live presentation via Zoom
  • You can book on group or 1-2-1 training

Topics Covered

  • Different types of skin needling devices and the ease of results
  • Clients wanting 'trial areas' to see stretch mark results
  • How soon can you work on scars and stretch marks
  • The healing and results process
  • Naturally repigment light and shiny scars and stretch marks
  • Working with various skin types and colours
  • False positive results
  • What works best, and what doesn't respond so well
  • Self-injury and self-harm scars
  • Skin needling lines and wrinkles
  • Different types of scars and stretch marks, deep, wide etc.
  • Pre-care, aftercare, course of treatments

There's an info book to follow along with and take notes

Precise skin stimulation
What is Dry Tattooing?

Dry Tattooing microneedling is used to reduce scars, stretch marks, burns or deep lines and wrinkles. We use a digital tattoo machine, working at needle depths up to 1.5mm

The treatment has been known within the medical community for almost 30 years as MCA Micro Needling, Collagen Induction Therapy and more.

Today we might know the treatment as the Inkless Method. However for both clients and professionals, it’s still relatively unheard of to use a tattoo machine to improve scars and stretch marks, with needling pens and rollers mostly used

Want to find out more? Schedule a call with Lisa today!

Dry Tattooing Scar and Stretch Mark Treatment
Advanced skin treatments
MCA Micro Needling

After my initial skin needling training in 2013, I didn't like the term MCA Micro Needling, and researched around the world for what better name to call this treatment. I saw that one or two techs said MCA was also known as Dry Tattooing or Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), but in fact no-one was calling the treatment Dry tattooing, so I decided to!

Under the name Dry Tattooing the public, and techs around the world, either wanted to have a treatment, or learn how to do it from me. Early 2015 I began offering Dry Tattooing training, having already carried out 250+ treatments on clients. For me, this is an advanced medical needling treatment, and I required students to have permanent makeup experience

realities & possibilities
Why did this work?

Being a curious kind of person, and wanting my clients to know I was as invested as them in the results we could achieve, I learned a lot, quickly!

Clients with stretch marks were booking a course of 3 treatments with me, and as Dry Tattooing appointments can be several hours, we chatted, they shared, I learned. Why did one client gets results quicker than another... patterns developed

Realising this helped me prepare clients for possible results, and how we could help their skin get the best results

I'll be sharing this knowledge during my Dry Tattooing Masterclass, and why this knowledge is also valuable to anyone offering treatments to improve scars and stretch marks

Dry Tattooing Scar and Stretch Mark Treatment
Dry Tattooing Scar and Stretch Mark Treatment
A last resort, not first
skin camouflage treatments

This photo shows results I was able to achieve naturally, with one dry tattooing treatment. No camouflage pigment was used

Yes, tattoo pigments have evolved over the years, and are now less likely to fade to the pink, russet, orange and yellow colours we used to see, but pigment colours still change over the years, and what was once a good colour match, ends up looking less so

Tattooing skin coloured pigments to hide these superficial, barely indented stretch marks has unfortunately become the norm

Shiny white stretch marks can easily and naturally repigment for many clients. Let me explain how!

working on fresh scars
Scar prevention

Wanting to have a fully rounded treatment offering, I needed to check truths and bust a few myths about skin healing, and when to offer treatments for best results

It comes down to a basic understanding of what we're doing with these skin needling treatments. You'll spot I don't get very technical, that's because my learning was hands on, with instincts based on logic and theories, plus respecting a client enough to share my reasoning with them, allowing them to give an informed consent to any treatment

Again coming back to how I learned the realities and possibilities of this treatment, applying much of this knowledge into developing Botched Ink, the serum and training

Dry Tattooing Scar and Stretch Mark Treatment

Scroll back up and book your seat!

My Dry Tattooing Masterclass offers an invaluable opportunity for technicians already certified in skin needling treatments for scars and stretch marks, to elevate their expertise. With my extensive experience and deep understanding of damaged skin, gained from 1000s treatments on many 100s of clients (we like returning clients!), you can expect expert tips and practical insights

The masterclass covers a comprehensive range of topics, including different skin needling devices, handling various types of scars and stretch marks, different skin types and colours, and optimizing treatment outcomes through pre-care and aftercare strategies

Whether joining a group live via Zoom, or opting for personalized one-on-one Zoom training, I'm here to make sure you walk away feeling confident and empowered in your skills. With an emphasis on naturally repigmenting scars and stretch marks as a first option, debunking some myths surrounding skin healing and scarring, we can ensure a holistic understanding and application of skin needling techniques

Overall, this masterclass is a must for technicians seeking to refine their understanding of scar and stretch mark treatments, enabling superior treatment outcomes for their clients

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